Criminal Casualties

Trillions of dollars are poured into war
We're still unsure of what we fight for
Aging rich men do declare
From the comfort of an armchair
There is not enough despair
Let more bombs fly in the air
Yet how could the rest of us just obey
Like it's ok, we're the USA
We stay in a blood-lust state
Few others cooperate
We had our time and they declined
Perhaps due to peace of mind
Let's end the slaughter of our sons and daughters
Who get short-handed while the elite make bank
For PTSD, we have them to thank
And justice? Those days are gone
The rich pay their way, the truth gets conned
Never can we appear weak
So we arm ourselves cheek to cheek
Yet when a damning video leaks
Few listen when Pvt. Manning speaks
So crimes are fine in our war time
And telling the truth is forbidden
Our legacy is allegedly told by those who keep it hidden


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