Beautiful and Bold (Self-Written Poem)

Never thought about you much at the start, but I think about you quite a bit now
Some things change, but we stayed the same and I just think it's funny how
In my heart I don't think it's smart to think I'd have a chance
But still I hope and learn to cope, trying to keep a powerful stance
Your style and grace can take over a place getting you just what you need
Ambition and drive are what make you thrive and help you to succeed
I'm not big with words, and seldom it's heard I don't do just what I'm told
But if I had just two to say about you they'd be beautiful and bold
I know you and him are together now so I wish you both well
I won't even say maybe someday because I can just tell
I hope you are glad and don't feel bad that things turned out this way
Just wanted you to see, it came from me; that you're beautiful and bold today.


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