My Attempt at Humor
Why I listen to Billy Joel
*He lets me know what time it is
*He knows who’s still going steady
*He makes history much more tolerable
Everyone’s asking what I’ll do with the $1,200 stimulus check.
I don’t know, but there’s a guy I know who’s got a combo deal: one N95 mask and 8oz. Of Purell for $1,199...🤔
So now that we all have to be 6 ft apart, how do Italian mobsters greet each other? Do they blow kisses or what?
Speaking of the virus affecting bad guys, the taliban reportedly sent a letter to members saying stay out of Europe due to Coronavirus concerns. Like all of a sudden hygiene becomes important to them.
They went from Jihadi John to Handwashing Hussein
I’m making use of my time though. I’ve quickly become an expert on Youtube Free Movies. Parents beware of Frozen (Definitely not Disney) about 3 kids trapped on a ski lift. You won't be singing “Let it Go” during that one.
I’m also listening to different kinds of music. Recently playing more Reggae, which makes sense bc with the barbershops closed indefinitely I’ll be in dreads by the end of this. Between that and the Italian food I’m eating, I’m changing my religion to Pastafarian “Proven by the Provolone” is my motto.
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