Inside Out Poem

Inside Out
What to do with the working classes
Bring some hope to the jerking masses
Does it make money, then it passes
But evil comes quick like lightning flashes
The cries in my ear, denying my fear
Screaming for someone just trying to hear
Listen with your heart, not with the money chart
Wealth here will expire, except when it’s in art
Love is our teacher, our heart is the preacher
Guiding us, providing just light for the seeker
We all need support, so greed let’s abort
All the riches we have fall far short
I’ve heard of the poor with painted shoes on their feet
I’ve read of the war and tainted food that they eat
Never hesitating to share their sorrow
Their desperation could be mine tomorrow
Keep my heart pure, pride do I swallow
As waters are rising, in the tide do I wallow
Water washing pure my sins which I’m sure will not win
Now I’m all in


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