Perspective #Poem #SelfWritten

Your frame of reference is a powerful thing One calls themselves a peasant, another claims to be a king Yes days will have their struggles, but so much to learn Put in those sacrifices to be rewarded in turn Stay humble, but observe all of what's going on Learning from mistakes is what it takes to be strong And others on your journey come along for the ride Just like the water flows, we tend to go with the tide Life has so many questions as to what it's about Yet still so many reasons to console all our doubts Reflections and mirrors, what do they portray Just like many memories, in time they will fray So cherish what is given and things that exist You may just see the day when life reveals its bliss Be you, be unique, create your own mold Each one has their own gifts; be they meek or bold The shadows that appear only bring out the light Like the moments of fear can bring out the might At the end of the day, the options are on the table For one to fade ...