Trials Song
Just came up with a nice guitar rhythm to match my lyrics, possible You-Tube vid on the way
I try hard
to be good and
Not be
I know that
this is for real
I show that
I’m here to heal
When times
become so heavy
My life will
always be ready
I come to
provide for plenty
Help even my
worst enemy
This life is
just a test
To see how if
I fare with the best
My soul
never finds its rest
Until there
is nothing left
To achieve
in this hungry world
Not deceive
a fake for a pearl
Or how to
judge the distance
From the
truth and just a glimpses
In between all
my struggles
Life lures
me from my troubles
Keeps me
from underneath ruble
Lures me out
of my bubble
To see the
world as it is
Not through
the eyes of show biz
understand with my heart
Not let
command tear apart
All the joy
that I hold
Worth more
than piles of gold
Now I see I’m
not sold
To the
barter of lies I’m told
I will not
sell myself
Because I am
my greatest wealth
I will not
be dust on the shelf
Because I can
trust in myself
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