Environmental Protection Incentives: My Thoughts

I've noticed that people are far more likely to support anything if they're given an incentive to do so.  Now, take something I'm passionate about, say, the environment.  How do you get people to become on board with this?  One way, which is already in place is tax credits for solar and wind power, hybrid vehicles, etc.  Great, but adding on this, there could be a system set up in which one's purchases had a sort of points system.  More points are awarded for eco-friendly items  When April 15th comes, the points are tallied up and one either receives money or pays based on the degree to which the purchases help our environment. 

Progress could really be made if we emphasized a plant-based diet which is far more sustainable than animal alternatives.  Take for instance, this statement by the United Nations in their October 2012 report titled: "Growing greenhouse gas emissions due to meat consumption", which states
"... the true costs of industrial agriculture, and specifically “cheap meat”, have become more and more evident.

Today, “the livestock sector emerges as one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems” (Steinfeld et al. 2006). This includes stresses such as deforestation, desertification, “excretion of polluting nutrients, overuse of freshwater, inefficient use of energy, diverting food for use as feed and emission of GHGs” (Janzen 2011)."

Check out this video from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)  for more info about this @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=friwGYNRKBc

While the White House boasts progress made in terms of alternative energy and boosting vehicle efficiency, the shift to a plant-based diet is neglected in the energy/environment section of their website.  I sincerely hope to see more progress made here, as it would better human, animal and environmental health. 


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