Eminem Mosh Cover

Eminem Mosh Parody
President Obama, promised to close Guantanamo.  What happened, it’s still open.
Prisoners going on hunger strike are still hoping.  How are they still coping?
Do we really have a say in the matter?  Why do our hopes and dreams always shatter?
Your opponent said food was an entitlement.  For whom?  We needed food since  the womb.  Must our leaders drive us to a collective tomb?  Elections are just a rock and a hard place.  Close your mind, vote for the smiling face.  The same one that once in will bring us disgrace.  Social security and Medicare on the chopping block?  Knock it off.  We only pay into those ourselves.  Contribute to the deficit?  Hell, what about corporations paying little or no taxes?  Sucking us dry like a bowel of molasses.  This goes largely silent.  Another scheme that’s left us more violent.  Violent because we’re blind to the needs of those not in power.  We must heed the greed.  Stop it.  What did we do years ago?  We prided our infrastructure now out the window.  Offshoring our jobs is a lot of wealth for some.  The rest of us are nearer to the slum.  The environment is now a commodity, just like our oil, a terrible oddity.  Pollution is no reason for a real solution.  Just enrich ourselves as we proceed in confusion.  Drug companies rein over our healthcare system.  These same companies promote poison as medicine.  How much people must suffer death and disease, before we rise up from our knees and say no.  Your toxic junk has to go.  We gave you a chance and we watched you blow it away.  Food is real medicine, and nature is it’s source.  Is this hard to understand, must it be driven by force?  Certainly not, it’s all that we’ve got.  Now I’ll tell you once, at least give it a shot.  The answer?  There’s multiple, that’s for sure.  Each one of us has the key to the cure.  We must use this key to unlock the door, that’s left us locked away on the floor.  We know the solution if we just search our hearts.  If we say to ourselves, it is time to get smart.  We must all never part.  United as one, we stand strong against those who have steered us so wrong.


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