The Forgotten (For Hawaii Democrat Representative, Tom Brower)

 I am the forgotten, left out on the street
I've nowhere to go, nothing to eat
Wherever I look, people mock and jeer
This brave new world has filled me with fear

There once was a time when I'd receive care
Not kept locked away in a state of despair 
But that doesn't work with policy today
So they fill me with drugs and pretend I'm ok

I know a nation is not really great
When its poorest people are cast like fish bait
My number is growing, but still we don't care
I'm just a strange creature at which people stare

There's money enough, but we never share
Better for the wealthy to increase their lair
May we abolish the language of more
And to the abandoned, open our door

Give of ourselves, before we take
It's not about how much we make
Life is a balance disturbed by greed
Ruthlessly taking from people in need

To restore this balance we must become less
Living each day, without such excess
A concept so easy to live if you try
Then watch how fast good things multiply

So swing your sledgehammer against walls of hate
Not smashing a homeless man's shopping crate
One's few possessions should not possess you
To committing the horrible things that you do


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