The Apron of Life-Poem

If you've never seen the beauty, blinded by the pain believe me, I've been there; though it's not where I remain
Lost in life's murky waters only to come out and find, the storm was just a fiction; only in your mind
You see the sunshine's always present, even though we don't expect it
And yes it can be hard to see by those who would neglect it
It still evaporates the darkness, still provides the spark
This beam of energy is like the sound of a dog's bark;
And as forceful as its bite; creating day from night
Some people first have to sink deeper before reaching a new height
Then the days of rage shall pass, as the sails of love we cast
Riding on life's endless current, see this ship is moving fast
Towards a new destination, better than where it came from
We all mess up in life, but don't have to keep the apron                      -J.A.


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