Tips To Stay Cool
Depending on where one lives, August can really be a tough month due to its intense heat. For me in Southern Oregon, I've learned some tips that have helped me keep cool.
1. Limit outdoor activities. When outside, where a large-brimmed hat and use sunscreen for protection when out for longer times.
2. Make sure AC is working well. Both in your residence, vehicle and workplace. Perform or schedule any needed maintenance.
3. Stay Hydrated. Have plenty of cold water available. Use ice cubes if needed and ice packs to keep food and drinks cool in coolers and lunch boxes.
4. Electrolytes, especially sodium, chloride, potassium and magnesium are very important as we can sweat these out. Vegetable juice, coconut water and fresh fruits, especially bananas are great sources.
5. Travel to cooler spots. For me, driving down to the coast means a temp drop of 20 degrees or more. Also a nice change of scenery.
6. Cars. If comfortable, keep windows open at least a crack. Also sun shields across windshields can lower cars internal temp a bit. Park in shady spots if able.
7. If possible, do outside activities either early in morning or later in the evening.
8. Cold showers, pools and sprinklers can all do wonders for relief.
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