Why I'm Done With Twitter (And Distancing Myself More from online geo-political posts)

 A few weeks I sent a tweet. I can't recall exactly what it said but it was something along the lines of "As US citizen I'm concerned about NATO's advancements and hostilities towards Russia. If Russia was doing something like this to us we'd have a very different reaction. Mr. President stop the bloodshed." 

Well I could never expect how it exploded. My past tweets hardly got 20 views with my mere 170 followers. This got hundreds. I was then falsely accused of posing as a VA doctor and then had at least 1 person tag the VA to find out "Why they have someone posting "Vatnik" Propaganda". 

That was enough for me. I don't need nor want this conflict. Folks much smarter, more popular and powerful than me can figure it out. For now, I'm laying low and trying to keep my world smaller and more in reality. My colleagues love me. My boss loves me. I love myself, my nation and my Vets. The rest is fake as far as I'm concerned. If I;m wrong and offended people, I'm sorry. But at some point we all must admit when we feel there's a problem. I'm reminded of Our Lady of Fatima's messages regarding Russia and America's chastisement. I have no idea what the future holds, but I know who holds the future. 

Stay positive and present. Address lies as you see them and try to live honest and low-key. 


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