Happy Easter! Jesus Is Risen!

Thanks be to God for the resurrection of Jesus. The readings today remind us to seek what is above, not what is on earth; and call to mind Christ's greatest mission. The tomb is empty, Jesus rose again as he foretold his disciples and others. 

His resurrection is the hope we hold onto as Christian believers. By dying, He destroyed our death and by rising from the dead, He restored our life. Jesus proved many things, chief among which is that death does not have the last word. We have all fallen short of God's glory as sinners. But, as St. Paul reminds us "Where sin abounded, grace abounded all the more."-Romans 5:20. 

Let us acknowledge our sins, but as we do so, call upon Jesus in faith. He is indeed reaching out to us; eagerly waiting for us to extend our invitation to him. Moreover, He invites all of us to partake in his grace that he's obtained for us at a very dear price. May God bless us and be with us, as we yearn to draw closer to Him. Happy Easter to all!


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