The Benefits of Coconut Oil (Natural News)

The Benefits of Coconut Oil (Article from Natural News)
.Coconut oil is predominantly a Medium-Chain Fatty Acid (MCFA) and the effects of the MCFA in coconut oil are distinctly different from Long-Chain-Fatty-Acids (LCFA) in foods like milk, eggs, meat and even some plants and vegetables.

.Coconut has lauric acid, which is converted to Monolaurin to combat viruses like measles, influenza, hepatitis C and even HIV.

.Messaging coconut oil in the scalp can relieve dandruff.

.On the skin, the oil can speed up metabolism faster than LFCAs because they are easily digested and converted to energy.

.Natural remedy for pneumonia-A study by the American College of Chest Physicians in 2008 found coconut oil to offer faster and more complete relief to pneumonia patients.

.Coconut oil was shown to decrease waist circumference greatly, lowering risk of heart disease.

.Shown to improve HDL (good) cholesterol

.Coconut oil’s Medium Chain Triglyceride (MCT) has also been shown to help alzheimers patients and heal:

.Parasites like tapeworms and liver flukes
.Acid reflux, aids in proper bowel digestion
.Intestinal problems
.Prostate enlargement
.Liver degeneration
.Epileptic seizures
.Joint and muscle inflammation
.Neuropathies and itching from diabetes

About 3 ½ tbsps a day is considered adequate intake for coconut oil.  There are no known side-effects, but one shouldn’t consume a lot right away.


Foale, M. (2003). The Coconut Odyssey the bounteous possibilities of the tree of life. Asian Centre for International Agricultural Research. Retrieved June 1, 2012 from
The health benefits of coconut oil. (n.d.). Bioriginal Food and Science Corp. Retrieved on June 4, 2012 from

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