My Heart is Like poem

From my creative writing class with the awesome Mrs. Rossi

My Heart is like the Ocean
My heart is like the ocean, continuously changing its patterns.
The many waves are my feelings for others.
Sometimes they support and carry people to their destination.
Other times, they crash and turn against my enemies.
The ships passing through my waters are the people my heart feels.
No matter how far they travel, they’ll never be blotted out of my heart.
The rocks and coral on the ocean floor are my past experiences.
As time goes on, they build up to create more knowledge and courage.
Without them I’d be afraid of every new obstacle.
The oil spills, naval wars and accidents are the times my heart is broken.
In time they are cleaned up, but have a lasting effect on my heart.
My heart is like the ocean.
It gives others the chance to experience my feelings and love.


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