The Stranger Poem #Poem #SelfWritten

Here's a nice one, inspired from my nickname in high school (say what you will) and the Billy Joel song which I listened to while creating it.

The Stranger
Waiting on his silent hopes;
He steers clear to avoid all slopes.
Though his fall will come in time;
Bells of hope in his head chime.
It took so long to get to here.
Yet, he may have gone away next year.
A fallen warrior after battle;
Thoughts in his mind always rattle.
And while some peace is what he seeks;
He knows it hangs on jagged peaks.
To climb them, he is petrified.
Yet he begins his upward stride.
Upward bound towards this one goal;
The Stranger fights with heart and soul.
Obstacles litter the whole way.
His climb goes on day after day.
Continued struggle is his life;
As he toils with heavy strife.
He never quit and never will.
The Stranger at last has his fill.
Though the jaws of death have clasped;
Peace is what he has now grasped. 


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